Pre-pre-pre departure
Before getting to Canberra,
you'll have to get a
- Certificate of Enrollment
- Health insurance
- Student visa
The first will be sent to you once you've been given a place in the university of your choice. It acts as an official document of acceptance and is needed to apply for the next 2 documents.
I got it through my course coordinator (Melissa) in NUS and it's really fuss free. I can't help much with the application process though, since most of it is done by Melissa.
Next, the OSHC health insurance.
It's not so much of an insurance to me.. From what I've gathered, Oz provides free healthcare and by buying this insurance, you're entitling yourself to the free visits as well. It's a must for every student to buy it since they have to prevent freeriders from ruining the system.
It's a pretty neat procedure that will cost you less than 10 min here
The monetary cost was be higher at around 800 Aus (1000 SGD) for my 2 year course. The visa will end once the OSHC expires so for those of you who would want to work after graduation, you may want to just extend it by a few months to exploit Oz's min wage policy.
Lastly, and most importantly, your Visa
It's pretty ridiculous that the application costs more than 700Aus (900SG). I don't know how they justify it but in my eyes (those of an economist), it is a blatant abuse of monopoly power. Well, it's almost perfectly price inelastic right?
Okay, moving on, the application is a real hassle cause you'll have to answer a lot of questions yada yada and in the end, you'll have to print out all the forms and go for a medical check up for an xray and a full body examination (the lady on the phone told me that a male doctor will be examining my (whisper) breasts, the horror!).
I have yet to go for the check up but the Xray isn't gonna be cheap and my fellow course mate paid 150 for his check up. I'll try to update this post later.
Yes, so going to Oz sure isn't a cheap thing. You've got to weigh your cost and benefits before you decide to embark on your journey. For me, it isn't really a choice but I'll try to enjoy every single experience.
I'll enjoy my time in Singapore while it last!
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