Me and my muddlings

Hello there!

I'm a 20 year old Singaporean who is about to set on a 2 year journey in Australia. Specifically, I'll be going to ANU in Canberra for 2 years to complete my bachelor in Actuarial Science. This is a joint collaboration with the National University of Singpore (NUS) where I had read Economics in for the past 3 semester.

I'll be travelling to Canberra (actually Darwin and Sydney first) on the 11th Feb and that's just a month away. I'm pretty excited and have done a far bit of research on the country.

This blog was created so that her reader can get a understanding of life in Canberra and what to expect/do/not do. Personally, I had to google everything and visit different websites/forums/blogs to gather information about my life to be. I hope to share all these information and that this blog will be useful for future students of ANU/Canberra/Actuarial Science/B&G.

Granted, the posts won't be too objective because it is, after all, documenting my life. I'll try to include pictures whenever I can, but I'm a pretty lazy girl :(

I dance, I act, I eat, I shop, I club, I drink, I study.
I want to learn to drum and speak in the French language.


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