
Mood: Calm, tired 6/10

Weight: 68.2

Didn't managed to catch a wink last night. Went down to the void deck to loiter and got to hear stories from strangers. There was a rabkebabz lady coming back from Siamdiu and merlioned all over the car too. I reached out to help them buy water from the nearby 7-11 and got tipped hehe 

Went for the 7am mass at the nearby church. The message was about how Jesus's family is a good example of how a family should be and we should emulate Mary, Joseph and Jesus. I enjoyed mass.

Crashed the Chinese choir and Chinese mass after.

Then I saw this

and the value hunter in me had to go for it. Ended up getting upsold into some TCM head massage that promised to improve my sleep. apparently, my η»η»œδΈι€š >_<

Had lunch at 401 and went for a short cycle after. I cycled 34 min and was pissed that I didn't time the 30 min quantum properly.

Went back to Kingsford and had a short nap. Caught the first episode of Squid game and headed off to dinner!

I really hope I get good sleep tonight 🀞🏻


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